Nexus Helps Create Safety Sub-Committee at BP Husky Refining

Engineers in safety gear and protective helmets assess new plant constructionNexus helps to create the “United in Safety” sub-committee at BP Husky Refining in Toledo to improve electrical safety culture.

In 2015, BP Husky approached Nexus with the concept of creating a United In Safety sub-committee to review and oversee Instrumentation and Electrical safety issues at their refinery in Toledo. The sub-committee was successfully created, and three Nexus employees serve as members, one of which acts as the committee chairperson.

On a daily basis, a workforce of both contractors and BP employees work together onsite to manage numerous electrical and instrumentation issues and projects. During high workforce periods, many contractors are not local, nor do they have prior Toledo Refinery experience. As a result, it was determined that improved communications between employees and contractors was necessary to ensure accurate knowledge and a common understanding of the refinery’s electrical safety program, processes, and procedures.

To ensure that this diverse workforce would receive a consistent understanding of site specific expectations, the site contractor safety council, United in Safety, decided to create the Instrumentation and Electrical (I&E) Committee with the help of two onsite Nexus employees. Currently, the subcommittee strives to enhance communications between site electrical contractors and BP Husky to promote safe electrical work practices, while also encouraging discussion relating to construction practices, site practices, concerns, updates, training, lessons learned, safety, and BP Husky expectations.

Since the creation of the sub-committee, all Instrument and Electrical contractors have received a robust onboarding program including the assurance that site specific electrical requirements are well understood. More specifically, processes are reviewed and new procedures created. At a higher level, BP Husky asked Nexus and select sub-committee members to introduce the team and communicate its accomplishments at the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) safety conference in San Antonio Texas in May 2018. Additionally, the successes of the subcommittee have been presented and used as best practices at other BP locations globally.

Client Name
BP Husky Refining

Toledo, OH


Services Provided

  • Safety Management
  • Vendor Management
  • Project Management

United in SafetyResults
Nexus helped BP Husky Refining in Toledo to create an Instrumentation and Electrical safety sub-committee to the “United in Safety” council to help improve the safety culture, particularly with onsite contractors.

As a result, there has been:

  • Testing to demonstrate competency of new contract employees
  • Development of spot audits
  • Weekly safety meetings
  • Identical and consistent messaging to teams
  • Improved communication for all onsite employees and contractors
  • Enhanced electrical safety culture
  • Overall electrical safety performance has improved
  • Shared successes and best practices globally United in Safety Sub-Committee Logo

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